Xpress Travel 8 Limited
(Company Registration No. 0956706)
Xpress Travel 8 Limited was established on 18-Mar-2005, CR No. is: 0956706, The company is Dissolved now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for19years 11months 2weeks 3days .
Xpress Travel 8 Limited27-MAY-2006
China WaterWork Limited
Heng Fai Traders Club Limited
Xpress Travel 38 Limited
Xpress Travel 38 Limited was incorporated on 2004-12-29.
Xpress Travel Holdings Limited
Xpress Travel Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2005-03-18.
Xpress Travel International Limited
Xpress Travel International Limited was incorporated on 2005-04-04.
Xpress Travel 18 Limited
Xpress Travel 18 Limited was incorporated on 2005-04-09.
Xpress Travel 28 Limited
Xpress Travel 28 Limited was incorporated on 2005-04-26.
Xpress Travel Online Limited
Xpress Travel Online Limited was incorporated on 2005-11-02.
Japan Xpress Travel Holdings Limited
Japan Xpress Travel Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2006-03-20.
CHINA XPRESS TRAVEL LIMITED was incorporated on 2003-12-17.
XPRESS TRAVEL LIMITED was incorporated on 2004-02-18.
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