Pure Fitness (LP) Limited
(Company Registration No. 1060507)
Pure Fitness (LP) Limited was established on 19-Jul-2006, CR No. is: 1060507, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for18years 6months 1weeks 3days .
Pure Fitness (LP) Limited19-JUL-2006
Pure Yoga (PRC) Limited
PURE FITNESS (CENTRAL) LIMITED was incorporated on 2001-10-31.
Pure Yoga (LP) Limited
Pure Yoga (LP) Limited was incorporated on 2005-06-10.
Pure Fitness (CWB) Limited
Pure Fitness (CWB) Limited was incorporated on 2007-10-08.
Pure Fitness (FH) Limited
Pure Fitness (FH) Limited was incorporated on 2010-02-12.
Pure Fitness (LKF) Limited
Pure Fitness (LKF) Limited was incorporated on 2012-03-21.
Pure Fitness (Taikoo) Limited
Pure Fitness (Taikoo) Limited was incorporated on 2014-05-26.
Pure Fitness (Admiralty) Limited
Pure Fitness (Admiralty) Limited was incorporated on 2014-11-25.
Pure Fitness (Chater) Limited
Commenced dormancy on 16-Aug-2019
Pure Fitness (Chater) Limited was incorporated on 2018-02-05.
PURE FITNESS (HONG KONG) LIMITED was incorporated on 2001-10-17.
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