Mapletree MIC Shenyang SA (HKSAR) Limited
(Company Registration No. 1169460)
Mapletree MIC Shenyang SA (HKSAR) Limited was established on 21-Sep-2007, CR No. is: 1169460, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for17years 4months 4days .
Mapletree MIC Shenyang SA (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree MIC Shenyang Retail (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree MIC Shenyang Retail (HKSAR) Limited was incorporated on 2007-02-07.
Mapletree MIC Changsha (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree MIC Changsha (HKSAR) Limited was incorporated on 2007-02-07.
Mapletree Emerald (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree Emerald (HKSAR) Limited was incorporated on 2006-11-09.
Mapletree WND (Wuxi) (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree WND (Wuxi) (HKSAR) Limited was incorporated on 2006-12-06.
Mapletree Changxing (Shanghai) (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree Changxing (Shanghai) (HKSAR) Limited was incorporated on 2007-02-01.
Mapletree PD (Wujiang) (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree PD (Wujiang) (HKSAR) Limited was incorporated on 2007-04-16.
Mapletree Tianjin Free Port Development (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree Tianjin Free Port Development (HKSAR) Limited was incorporated on 2007-06-08.
Mapletree Treasury Services (HKSAR) Limited
Mapletree Treasury Services (HKSAR) Limited was incorporated on 2008-05-06.
MAPLETREE WJ DEVELOPMENT (HKSAR) LIMITED was incorporated on 2012-12-13.