Hyflux Utility WWTP (GY) Limited
(Company Registration No. 1262420)
Hyflux Utility WWTP (GY) Limited was established on 05-Aug-2008, CR No. is: 1262420, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for16years 6months 3days .
Hyflux Utility WWTP (GY) Limited
Hyflux Utility WWT (GY) Limited
Hyflux Utility WWT (GY) Limited was incorporated on 2008-05-13.
Hyflux Utility WTP (GY) Limited
Hyflux Utility WTP (GY) Limited was incorporated on 2008-08-05.
Hyflux Utility WWT (YL) Limited
Hyflux Utility WWT (YL) Limited was incorporated on 2007-09-25.
Hyflux Utility WT (MG) Limited
Hyflux Utility WT (MG) Limited was incorporated on 2007-09-28.
Hyflux Utility WWT (MG) Limited
Hyflux Utility WWT (MG) Limited was incorporated on 2007-09-28.
Hyflux Utility WT (XC) Limited
Hyflux Utility WT (XC) Limited was incorporated on 2007-10-16.
Hyflux Utility WWT (XC) Limited
Hyflux Utility WWT (XC) Limited was incorporated on 2007-10-16.
Hyflux Utility WT (GCL) Limited
Hyflux Utility WT (GCL) Limited was incorporated on 2007-11-05.
Hyflux Utility WT (YL) Limited
Hyflux Utility WT (YL) Limited was incorporated on 2008-01-03.
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