PTT Green Energy (Hong Kong) Limited
(Company Registration No. 1572880)
PTT Green Energy (Hong Kong) Limited was established on 14-Mar-2011, CR No. is: 1572880, The company is Dissolved now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for13years 10months 2weeks 1days .
PTT Green Energy (Hong Kong) Limited
SANHE GREEN ENERGY HONG KONG LIMITED was incorporated on 2006-12-22.
Yingli Green Energy Hong Kong Limited
Yingli Green Energy Hong Kong Limited was incorporated on 2009-05-04.
Urban Green Energy Hong Kong Limited
Ceased dormancy on 27-Feb-2013
Urban Green Energy Hong Kong Limited was incorporated on 2011-03-24.
Best Green Energy (Hong Kong) Limited
Best Green Energy (Hong Kong) Limited was incorporated on 2011-12-23.
Deep C Green Energy (Hong Kong) Limited
Deep C Green Energy (Hong Kong) Limited was incorporated on 2017-07-14.
Green Energy (Hong Kong) Investment Group Limited
Green Energy (Hong Kong) Investment Group Limited was incorporated on 2009-08-04.
Green Force Energy Hong Kong Limited
Green Force Energy Hong Kong Limited was incorporated on 2010-06-22.
Suntien Green Energy (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited
Suntien Green Energy (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited was incorporated on 2012-06-29.
C&G Green Energy (Hong Kong) Company Limited
C&G Green Energy (Hong Kong) Company Limited was incorporated on 2012-11-21.
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