Genius HK Offshore Limited
(Company Registration No. 1695832)
Genius HK Offshore Limited was established on 03-Jan-2012, CR No. is: 1695832, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for13years 3weeks.
Genius HK Offshore Limited
Genius II HK Offshore Limited
Genius II HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2007-05-31.
ACCLAIMED GENIUS (HK) INVESTMENTS LIMITED was incorporated on 2006-01-11.
Talent HK Offshore Limited
Talent HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2012-01-03.
Summit HK Offshore Limited
Summit HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2012-03-02.
Horizon HK Offshore Limited
Horizon HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2012-03-02.
Sunrise HK Offshore Limited
Sunrise HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2012-03-02.
Everbright Int'l (HK) Offshore Limited
Everbright Int'l (HK) Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2013-08-30.
PTTEP HK Offshore Limited
PTTEP HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2015-08-18.
Tisheng Sky (HK) Offshore Limited
Tisheng Sky (HK) Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2016-07-18.
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