Sunrise HK Offshore Limited
(Company Registration No. 1712278)
Sunrise HK Offshore Limited was established on 02-Mar-2012, CR No. is: 1712278, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for12years 10months 3weeks 6days .
Sunrise HK Offshore Limited
Genius II HK Offshore Limited
Genius II HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2007-05-31.
SUNRISE (HK) DEVELOPMENT LIMITED was incorporated on 2010-02-17.
Sunrise (HK) Sports Limited
Sunrise (HK) Sports Limited was incorporated on 2011-07-28.
Talent HK Offshore Limited
Talent HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2012-01-03.
Genius HK Offshore Limited
Genius HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2012-01-03.
Summit HK Offshore Limited
Summit HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2012-03-02.
Horizon HK Offshore Limited
Horizon HK Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2012-03-02.
Everbright Int'l (HK) Offshore Limited
Everbright Int'l (HK) Offshore Limited was incorporated on 2013-08-30.
Sunrise HK Yiwu Limited
Sunrise HK Yiwu Limited was incorporated on 2015-05-04.