Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Shenzhen) Limited
(Company Registration No. 1869620)
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Shenzhen) Limited was established on 05-Mar-2013, CR No. is: 1869620, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for11years 10months 4weeks.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Shenzhen) Limited
China Resources Urban Transportation Infrastructure Investment Limited
China Resources Urban Transportation Infrastructure Investment Limited was incorporated on 2007-12-14.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Zhanxi) Limited
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Zhanxi) Limited was incorporated on 2009-08-20.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Chengdu) Limited
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Chengdu) Limited was incorporated on 2012-08-30.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Shenyang) Limited
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Shenyang) Limited was incorporated on 2012-11-23.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Teixi) Limited
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Teixi) Limited was incorporated on 2012-12-06.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Beijing) Limited
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Beijing) Limited was incorporated on 2012-12-27.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Zhengzhou) Limited
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Zhengzhou) Limited was incorporated on 2012-12-27.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Tianjin) Limited
Urban Transportation Infrastructure (Tianjin) Limited was incorporated on 2013-04-17.
Urban Transportation Infrastructure One Limited
Urban Transportation Infrastructure One Limited was incorporated on 2013-06-19.
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