Lestart Dating Limited
(Company Registration No. 1922280)
Lestart Dating Limited was established on 13-Jun-2013, CR No. is: 1922280, The company is Live
Commenced dormancy on 20-Jun-2017 now, The company belongs to Company.
As so far this company has running for11years 8months 2weeks 5days .
Commenced Dormancy On 20-Jun-2017
Lestart Dating Limited13-JUN-2013
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A-Pro Dating Limited
A-Pro Dating Limited was incorporated on 2010-10-12.
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PERFECT DATING LIMITED was incorporated on 2012-04-11.
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Ideal Dating Limited was incorporated on 2012-08-10.
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I See You Dating Limited was incorporated on 2013-01-08.
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HK Romance Dating Limited was incorporated on 2016-04-22.
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Le Destin Speed Dating Limited was incorporated on 2017-11-21.
VIS DATING LIMITED was incorporated on 2017-12-07.
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