Lightspeed MeiChai (HK) Limited
(Company Registration No. 2271915)
Lightspeed MeiChai (HK) Limited was established on 06-Aug-2015, CR No. is: 2271915, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for9years 6months.
Lightspeed MeiChai (HK) Limited
Lightspeed Research HK Limited
Lightspeed Research HK Limited was incorporated on 2009-11-12.
Lightspeed Cloud (HK) Limited
Lightspeed Cloud (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2016-05-05.
Lightspeed Tujia HK Limited
Lightspeed Tujia HK Limited was incorporated on 2016-11-11.
Lightspeed UUZuChe (HK) Limited
Lightspeed UUZuChe (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2017-01-27.
Lightspeed Zhike HK Limited
Lightspeed Zhike HK Limited was incorporated on 2017-06-16.
Lightspeed HS (HK) Limited
Lightspeed HS (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-04-12.
Lightspeed YiKuaiXiu HK Limited
Lightspeed YiKuaiXiu HK Limited was incorporated on 2018-05-18.
Lightspeed BoZhou HK Limited
Lightspeed BoZhou HK Limited was incorporated on 2018-06-27.
Micro Beauty Lightspeed Investment Management HK Limited
Micro Beauty Lightspeed Investment Management HK Limited was incorporated on 2016-02-22.
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