HH MGTO Holdings Limited
(Company Registration No. 2375825)
HH MGTO Holdings Limited was established on 12-May-2016, CR No. is: 2375825, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for8years 8months 2weeks 1days .
HH MGTO Holdings Limited21-SEP-2016
HH RSV-V HK Holdings Limited12-MAY-2016
Hillhouse UX-II (HK) Holdings Limited
HH CT Holdings Limited
HH CT Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2016-10-24.
HH HOLDINGS LIMITED was incorporated on 2008-03-03.
HH Peet's Holdings, Limited
HH Peet's Holdings, Limited was incorporated on 2017-05-26.
HH LPPZ (HK) Holdings Limited
HH LPPZ (HK) Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2017-07-17.
HH JBC (HK) Holdings Limited
HH JBC (HK) Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2018-04-25.
HH Mansion Holdings (HK) Limited
HH Mansion Holdings (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-05-30.
HH XP (HK) Holdings Limited
HH XP (HK) Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2018-06-11.
HH SPR-XV HK Holdings Limited
HH SPR-XV HK Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2018-07-12.
HH SPR-XIV HK Holdings Limited
HH SPR-XIV HK Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2018-07-12.
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