Cambridge Global Education Group Limited
(Company Registration No. 2402678)
Cambridge Global Education Group Limited was established on 13-Jul-2016, CR No. is: 2402678, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for8years 7months 3weeks.
Cambridge Global Education Group Limited
GLOBAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED was incorporated on 2003-04-11.
Nova Global Education Group Limited
Nova Global Education Group Limited was incorporated on 2011-04-12.
United Wealth Global Education Group Limited
United Wealth Global Education Group Limited was incorporated on 2012-09-14.
Prepare Global Education Group Limited
Prepare Global Education Group Limited was incorporated on 2013-04-25.
CL Global Education Group Limited
CL Global Education Group Limited was incorporated on 2016-06-13.
Red Lion Global Education Group Limited
Red Lion Global Education Group Limited was incorporated on 2017-10-17.
Wintop Global Education Group Limited
Wintop Global Education Group Limited was incorporated on 2018-08-30.
Greater China Global Education Group Limited
Greater China Global Education Group Limited was incorporated on 2019-09-16.
GLOBAL MODERN EDUCATION (GROUP) LIMITED was incorporated on 2000-03-29.
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