Bright Kids Early Education Limited
(Company Registration No. 2458217)
Bright Kids Early Education Limited was established on 30-Nov-2016, CR No. is: 2458217, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for8years 2months 5days .
Bright Kids Early Education Limited
Kids' Talent Education Limited
Kids' Talent Education Limited was incorporated on 2005-11-09.
KIDS CAN EDUCATION LIMITED was incorporated on 2011-03-17.
Bright Star (HK) Education Limited
Bright Star (HK) Education Limited was incorporated on 2013-05-16.
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Chinese Montessori International Early Education Limited was incorporated on 2014-04-04.
Wise Kids International Education Limited
Wise Kids International Education Limited was incorporated on 2015-03-18.
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Kids Station Education Limited was incorporated on 2016-05-31.
Nobel Early Education Limited
Nobel Early Education Limited was incorporated on 2017-08-24.
PROUD KIDS ONLINE EDUCATION LIMITED was incorporated on 2018-05-10.
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