(Company Registration No. 2531357)
AFRICA ONE BELT ONE ROAD LIMITED was established on 02-May-2017, CR No. is: 2531357, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for7years 9months 3weeks 1days .
Transport Infrastructure Corporation One-Belt-One-Road Limited
Transport Infrastructure Corporation One-Belt-One-Road Limited was incorporated on 2016-05-13.
FDG One Belt One Road Limited
FDG One Belt One Road Limited was incorporated on 2016-09-05.
Ali One Belt One Road Limited
Ali One Belt One Road Limited was incorporated on 2017-01-24.
WeGeneral One Belt One Road Limited
WeGeneral One Belt One Road Limited was incorporated on 2017-03-02.
New Hong Kong International (One Belt One Road) Limited
New Hong Kong International (One Belt One Road) Limited was incorporated on 2017-07-27.
Law Society of One Belt One Road Limited
Law Society of One Belt One Road Limited was incorporated on 2019-05-14.
HongYu one Road Limited
HongYu one Road Limited was incorporated on 2017-04-24.
International Academy of the Belt and Road Limited
International Academy of the Belt and Road Limited was incorporated on 2016-03-09.
EIFS (Belt and Road) Limited
EIFS (Belt and Road) Limited was incorporated on 2016-12-16.
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