公司註冊編號 2537439 有限公司
(Company Registration No. 2537439)
公司註冊編號 2537439 有限公司 was established on 22-May-2017, CR No. is: 2537439, The company is Dissolved now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for7years 8months 4weeks 1days .
Company Name:
公司註冊編號 2537439 有限公司
Chinese Company Name::
Company Registration No.:
Date of Incorporation:
Company Type:
Private company limited by shares
Company Status::
Date of Dissolution:
Date of Annual Examination::
May 22 - Jul 03
Dissolved by Deregistration
Register of Charges::
Name History:
公司註冊編號 2537439 有限公司22-MAY-2017
公司註冊編號 2537439 有限公司22-MAY-2017
Updated on
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