JD Future Explore II Limited
(Company Registration No. 2733191)
JD Future Explore II Limited was established on 10-Aug-2018, CR No. is: 2733191, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for6years 7months.
JD Future Explore II Limited
JD Future Explore III Limited
JD Future Explore III Limited was incorporated on 2018-08-10.
JD Future Explore I Limited
JD Future Explore I Limited was incorporated on 2018-08-10.
Shining Future Investment II Limited
Shining Future Investment II Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-08.
JD Fabulous Development II (Hong Kong) Limited
JD Fabulous Development II (Hong Kong) Limited was incorporated on 2016-04-29.
JD Bright Development II (HK) Limited
JD Bright Development II (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-04-10.
JD Glory Development II (HK) Limited
JD Glory Development II (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-04-10.
JD Star Development II (HK) Limited
JD Star Development II (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
MIDLAND REALTY PROJECT (II) LIMITED was incorporated on 1989-06-16.
SUN WAH COLD STORAGE (II) LIMITED was incorporated on 1990-01-25.
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