JD Star Development XIX (HK) Limited
(Company Registration No. 2758970)
JD Star Development XIX (HK) Limited was established on 26-Oct-2018, CR No. is: 2758970, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for6years 3months 1weeks 5days .
JD Star Development XIX (HK) Limited
JD Bright Development XIX (HK) Limited
JD Bright Development XIX (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-06-28.
JD Star Development XXX (HK) Limited
JD Star Development XXX (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
JD Star Development XV (HK) Limited
JD Star Development XV (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
JD Star Development XIV (HK) Limited
JD Star Development XIV (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
JD Star Development XIII (HK) Limited
JD Star Development XIII (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
JD Star Development XII (HK) Limited
JD Star Development XII (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
JD Star Development XI (HK) Limited
JD Star Development XI (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
JD Star Development IX (HK) Limited
JD Star Development IX (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
JD Star Development XVII (HK) Limited
JD Star Development XVII (HK) Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-11.
- jd star development xix (hk) limited
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