183 Queen Road Tenant Limited
(Company Registration No. 2759011)
183 Queen Road Tenant Limited was established on 26-Oct-2018, CR No. is: 2759011, The company is Live now, The company belongs to Company. As so far this company has running for6years 2months 4weeks.
183 Queen Road Tenant Limited
14 Taikoo Wan Road Tenant Limited
14 Taikoo Wan Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2017-12-29.
218 Electric Road Tenant Limited
218 Electric Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2017-12-29.
77 Hoi Bun Road Tenant Limited
77 Hoi Bun Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2018-09-14.
500 Hennessy Road Tenant Limited
500 Hennessy Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-09.
18 Hung Luen Road Tenant Limited
18 Hung Luen Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-26.
15 Canton Road Tenant Limited
15 Canton Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2018-10-26.
8 Wong Chuk Hang Road Tenant Limited
8 Wong Chuk Hang Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2018-12-07.
8 Queens Road Tenant Limited
8 Queens Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2018-12-14.
1 Connaught Road Tenant Limited
1 Connaught Road Tenant Limited was incorporated on 2019-01-02.
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